Question Time with Guy Opperman

Elmhurst year sixes showed they are capable of conversing at the highest level this week when they interviewed a serving government minister for the national news.

Four students from 6S, Tasnuba, Abdul, Sianna and Shifa, did themselves and the school proud, questioning Pensions Minister Guy Opperman about his background, his job and even the gender pay gap in the pensions system!

They were given this brilliant opportunity through Elmhurst's work with the charity Debate Mate, which has joined up with organisation Now Pensions to raise the engagement of young people around their financial futures. This is particularly significant now, as this year's Pension Awareness Week begins today (Monday 14th September).

The students interviewed Mr Opperman for more than one hour, with the exchange filmed by a professional crew. Debate Mate and Now Pensions hope the film will be broadcast on mainstream news programmes over the coming week.